
A Minute A Day For 14 Days Is All You Need To Improve Yourself (And It’s Even Scientifically Proven!)

No doubt, the new normal has put a toll on our physical and mental strength. Especially when you’re striving to stay on top of your game in work and ahead of your peers. Or even more so, when you have to take care of your family whilst balancing work and your personal time. This means that improving your energy and focus has been more crucial than ever! Pssst…here’s a couple tips on how you can better yourself and strive on untiringly in just 14 days.


Habits To Improve Yourself In Just 14 Days

Being a striver in life, not only do you need the mindset of one but also adopting daily habits that will make the most of your day. Here are a few tips we can take note from:

1. “The Early Riser Club”

Waking up earlier than everyone else is a no-fail attempt at getting mundane things done earlier and focusing on more important tasks during the day. For mums, it may be the only time you get a little peace and quiet from the day.

Photo: Bruce Mars (Unsplash)

2. Organising Your Everyday Life

Planning daily tasks and jotting down lists are what strivers do to know exactly what they need to do to reach their goals. This way you’re able to set priorities that align with your end goal, either in work or in your personal life.

Photo: @glenncarstenspeters (Unsplash)

3. Relaxation & Recharge

In order to continuously charge forward at all your tasks, taking an hour a day to relax and recharge is important too. Indulge in hobbies that you love by yourself or spending time with loved ones is all you need for a clearer headspace.

Photo: @chshashi30 (Unsplash)

4. Exercising Regularly

Everyone knows regular exercises are great for letting off some steam whilst also pumping up your endorphins. Half an hour a day will easily change your life for the better, making you more energised.

Photo: @jonathanborba (Unsplash)

5. Taking BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken Daily

The easiest and time-efficient way to keep strivers on their toes is in fact – a bottle of BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken everyday. Want to effectively improve your energy and focus on the long run? This little bottle of goodness is your daily enabler to support you in achieving a great day and strive for success!


It goes to show that you don’t need to take out hours of your day to improve your energy and focus. You merely need minutes out of a single day for the next two weeks. Because starting a completely new habit is easy, but to keep it going might be harder. Hence, starting small is the way to go. 

It’s time to take charge of your health in 2021, and here is how you can do so with BRAND’S by drinking a bottle a day for 14 days straight!

More Energised & Focused In 14 Days With BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken

Start your 14-Day BRAND’S journey now with a bottle of BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken on the daily. It’s easily consumable by drinking straight from the bottle and tastes perfect at room temperature, or even warm or cold. So you can take it on the go, anytime and anywhere as part of a balanced diet.


Besides, BRAND’S Essence of Chicken is in fact clinically proven to build a healthier body and sharper mind. It also increases metabolism by reducing tiredness and increasing oxygen flow to the brain for improved focus and energy. Say goodbye to daily fatigues!

With over 180 years of history in the making, BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken is one you can wholeheartedly trust. Drink up on top quality chicken extract that is high in protein, fat-free, cholesterol-free with no artificial chemicals or preservatives all from a single bottle. Best of part of it all – it’s also Halal-certified!

Find out more at

Get Started On Your 14-Day Journey With BRAND’S Today

Get your hands on their brand new pack of 10 bottles, perfect for getting started on the 14-day journey with BRAND’S. You only need a bottle a day for the next two weeks to feel the difference. Besides original flavour, BRAND’S also has a range of flavours suited to your taste buds! Their NEW Chocolate flavour is just right for those who prefer a sweeter note of essence of chicken . You can find BRAND’S Essence Of Chicken from any major supermarkets, pharmacies or order it online and get it delivered to you.

Product is Halal-certified.

Link(s): Website | Facebook | Instagram

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