Foodies, remember when Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy first launched as a limited-time menu back in 2019, it broke the Internet? We still remember how hundreds and thousands of Malaysians flooded the McD outlets just to try to get their hands on the real spicy ayam. Fast forward to 2021, we have good news. Malaysians, prepare your bellies once again as the Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy is back!
The REAL Spicy Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy Is Back:
Spicy lovers, rejoice! It’s not a drill, the infamous Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy is making a comeback! Mark your calendar and warm up your bellies because they’ll be landing on all McD outlets on the 4th of November 2021.
You asked for it, and now you got it. We’ve been seeing hundreds of comments from netizens asking McD to bring back this crazy hot menu. A lot even shared their past experiences of the Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy.

It felt like yesterday when we first tried the Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy. Still remember we had to down two large cups of Coke after finishing the chicken. Our body went on an ‘airplane mode’ and literally couldn’t reciprocate for a minute. Some had it worse though, with a fiery stomach and the toilet exploded the next day. On the other hand, some netizens dealt with it like a champion, teasing McD that it wasn’t spicy enough.

If you’re like us who needs an extra cup of drink to pull through, here’s a sweet deal from McD. Each medium or large set of Ayam Goreng McD 3X Spicy now comes with an auto-upgrade Criss Cut Fries together THREE times of 100 Plus refill, available for dine-in only.
*Criss Cut Fries upgrade is only available in Peninsular Malaysia

So foodies, are you ready to take up the challenge? Head over to your nearest McD’s outlet on the 4th of November and try it out! Don’t forget to snap a photo of the chicken and share it on your social media to prove that you’ve completed the challenge like a champion. Scared it’ll be too spicy to handle in public? Order je online and get it delivered to your doorstep. Better don’t miss out this time because we don’t know how long this chicken will stay on their menu!
McDelivery: https://www.mcdelivery.com.my/my/home.html
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