
This Place Makes Over 200,000 Durian Mooncakes Daily From Scratch 

Pst! Are you keeping track of your favourite, king of all fruits’ season? We know! Sadly, durian’s season is ending in some parts of Malaysia but fret not, ’cause you can get your durian all year round from Hernan Foods! Those who love durians must know Hernan Foods as they are extremely well-known for all-things durian – fruits, snacks, desserts, ice creams. You name it, they have it! Of course, that includes mooncakes! Yes, this place makes over 200,000 durian mooncakes daily from scratch.


Here’s How The Musang King Durian Mooncakes Are Made

Photo: Hernan Food (Shopee)

“Ask all durian lovers in China, Hong Kong, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England or Europe, and you’ll find nothing but remarkable fondness for Hernan.” From the sentence itself, we know why they produce 40,000 to 200,000 durian mooncakes daily. That’s just how much the people love them! Being the curious Foodie we already are, we decided to visit Hernan Food Factory to see how the delicious mooncakes are made.

Of course, everything starts in the cooking room. There is where the mooncake skin and fillings are made. Fresh churned durians flesh are put into a mixture of flour, water, oil and sugar among other things. It is then mixed in a giant mixture for 30 minutes creating thick, sweet and savoury durian fillings. The fillings are then encrusted and moulded with the skin. It could be 1 filling or 2. Did we just say 2? If you are curious, then stay with us.

Musang King Durian Mooncake

Musang King Durian Mooncake

The moulded mooncake are put in a tray covered with flour and go through a super freezing tunnel of -40*C before the stamping stage. Initially, they used wooden mould but later changed to flower-printed machine stamps. The stamped mooncakes are then packed individually in a container and stored in a room of -21*C before being delivered.

Musang King Durian Mooncake

Click here to see the video.

Hernan Durian Mooncakes Coming Through!


Before anything else, Hernan Foods is Halal-certified! So, don’t worry and choose your mooncakes. The mooncakes are available in different kinds of packaging with different kinds of flavours to choose from. For instance, the all-time favourite snowskin mooncakes that are filled to the brim with pure Musang King durian or, the flawless combination of Musang King with Pandan & Coconut, will definitely leave you wanting for more! Just look at these beautiful and mouth-watering mooncakes:

Pure Musang King Durian Mooncake

Musang King Durian Mooncake

Musang King Durian With  Pandan Mooncake

Musang King Durian Mooncake


Musang King Durian With Coconut Mooncake

Musang King Durian Mooncake

Why Have A Normal Durian Feast, When You Can Have All These?

Oh, they also offer a wide range of frozen durian products ranging from the fruit itself to other durian treats such as mochi and popsicle. Also, don’t forget this tip, Foodies. If you got your hands on their fast-selling mooncakes, have them 5 minutes after taking them out of the freezer to savour the best of durian purée in every bite! Hernan products are available in selected Aeon outlets, Village Grocers and Bens. You can also click the links below to purchase and happy feasting!


Status: Halal-Certified

Link(s): WebsiteFacebook

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