Cheers! Malaysia has won yet another award! Ranking as the ‘2nd Friendliest Country In Asia and 15th Friendliest In The World’ in a recent survey by Insider Monkey (a finance website), it’s a proud day to be Malaysian.
Malaysia Ranks As 2nd Friendliest Country In Asia & 15th In The World
Being naturally kind and welcoming, it comes as no surprise that Malaysians topped the charts on the aspect of friendliness.

In order to gauge friendliness, Insider Monkey considered how well Malaysians welcomed travellers from different backgrounds, ethnicities and religions. They considered how well locals treated expatriates and studied how easy it is to obtain a visa to travel to Malaysia as well.

After taking data from trusted sources such as HSBC, Yahoo! Finance and Passport Index into account, Insider Monkey also reported that Malaysia scored a remarkable result of 2.20 out of 3! This ranked it at 2nd place in Asia and 15th worldwide. That’s an impressive win!

Other notable rankings are as follows:
- United Arab Emirates: 2.52
- Vietnam: 1.67
- Philippines: 1.63
- Singapore: 1.51

Tourism is a huge deal in Malaysia. Insider Monkey states that, “26 million tourists travelled to Malaysia in 2023, aided by a high visa acceptance rate.” Evidently, this recognition goes to show that with such friendly people, top-notch hospitality and welcoming visa policies, Malaysia should indeed be a top choice for all travellers.

Malaysia is excited to welcome you soon travellers!