
NEW: Jack & JILL NIPS Kurma

Jack ‘n Jill NIPS celebrates the spirit of togetherness with a special edition flavour that is perfect for sharing this Raya. The new Jack ‘n Jill NIPS Kurma is set to brighten up the celebration this year with delicious kurma-flavour chocolate wrapped in a colourful, candy-coated shell. Expect a burst of sweet caramel-y date flavours complemented by rich velvety milk chocolate when you crunch into a handful of these kaleidoscope of colours. It’s sure to make your Raya that more sensational.


The intense flavours of dates bring out the rich milky chocolate in the playful lentils and teases the palate. The combination is a party in one’s mouth – a delicately crunchy outer layer bellying a decadent chocolate accented with a sweet fruity essence. With this kurma version, Jack ‘n Jill NIPS now has five variants with four existing favourites: Peanut, Raisins, Peanuts and Raisins and Cookies & Crème.

To launch this new Jack ‘n Jill NIPS edition, a campaign dubbed We’re All In Eid Together #EidWithNIPS has been crafted. “It is impossible to turn a closed eye to the global pandemic that has hit our world this year. We hope NIPS Kurma can bring some kind of lightness and colour in these trying times for all. We want our customers to continue celebrating the good times intimately with close family as we join efforts with the rest of the world to fight this pandemic,” says Emmanuel B. Puno, Senior Vice President (SVP) of URC Snack Foods
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

“With NIPS Kurma, we want to bring vibrancy and laughter back into the tapestry of our society, especially during Hari Raya. We need to keep some kind of connectedness – whether through a phone call or a shared activity in each other’s own vicinity – in this time of social distancing. We hope NIPS Kurma and its campaign can remind people of all the sweet moments that keep the bond with each other going,” highlights Puno.

During Hari Raya and even Ramadhan, Puno adds that chocolate is great for sharing with family and friends. NIPS Kurma, especially, is an ideal sweet ending to a sumptuous meal during the festivity as well as during Ramadhan when Muslims Buka Puasa. It’s just a great treat to share with everyone and can be fun to pass around the table too.

“We are very excited that we have put together this new addition to the family of NIPS and able to hit the spot with all Malaysian Muslims who are celebrating the festivity. We wanted flavours to pop and also wanted to have an added flavour in the chocolate that has a close connection to Hari Raya. I think we managed to find the essence of the right fruit for the celebration to go with our chocolate to keep our customers fully satisfied.”

During this festive season, share the essence of Hari Raya with the new Jack ‘n Jill NIPS Kurma. Brighten up your hearts with the colour and playfulness that each lentil brings. Enjoy the burst of flavours from Jack ‘n Jill NIPS Kurma, enjoy every quality moment spent with loved ones and stay safe doing so!

Source: Press Release

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