A photograph of Kuala Lumpur’s skyscrapers at night with Genting’s nightlights illuminating clearly in the background had many people flabbergasted. Many claimed that it must have been fake, and that the photo must have been a gimmick of clever composite photoshopping. Receiving scepticism for a few days since the posting of this increasingly viral photo on Instagram on the 5th of May 2019, the photographer by the name Jun Hong finally answered some questions and provided further evidence to prove the photo’s authenticity.
“This photo is definitely fake/photoshopped” would be the best compliment a photographer could get.
— said Jun Hong in his Facebook Post
A Viral Photo That Many Never Even Knew Possible

It is truly a heavenly picture. Get it? ‘Cuz it looks like a city of heaven looming above KL? Taken from a private residential area, the photograph came from a camera set on a tripod with time lapse mode on. After about an hour of Game of Thrones, Jun Hong then retrieved his camera.
“Was this photoshopped?” some asked. Jun Hong said this:
“Yes and no. Depending on what do you mean by photoshopped.
I do use photoshop along with lightroom to do some basic enhancement, tone adjustment, but no composite merge in this photo.”
To prove the authenticity of the photo, Jun Hong provided an additional photo of his camera’s digital display as follows:

In his post, he also shared a picture consisting of KL, Genting, and TRX in a single shot. Furthermore, he provided a link to the high-resolution versions of his photographs in his Facebook post. While happy to allow others to use them as a wallpaper, he warns that the photos are not for commercial use and that they are protected by copyright laws.
This photograph in particular is sure to make it into the history books, imprinting itself as one of the best landscape photographs taken in Kuala Lumpur. Congratulations, Jun Hong!
Your Thoughts?
Make sure to voice them! Not just in our comments section, though. Jun Hong deserves every bit as much recognition for this post as we do just writing about it, so head over to his Facebook post and/or Instagram post and give him lots of love from KL Foodie!