Our obsession with local food like Nasi Lemak and Kaya Butter Toast is undeniable! Now our favourite corn snack, Twisties has added this unique and familiar flavour, we’ve just got to try it. Yes, you got that right – today we’re going to obsess over Twisties Kaya Butter Toast!
Twisties Adds Another Unique & Familiar Flavour!
Twisties holds a special place in everyone’s heart since 1995. But, did you know? Despite Malaysians’ unfamiliar taste of beef and cheese snacks at that time, Twisties broke through and became one of the all-time favourites in the country. Throughout the years, Twisties has released over 20 unique and tasty flavours including Kaboom! BBQ Curry, Cheeky Cheddar Cheese, Cherry Tomato Bomb, and more. But, have you seen any local flavour snacks?

Speaking of local flavours, what’s your favourite? Roti canai? Nasi Lemak? Roti Bakar? Oh the lovely taste of rich coconut curd slathered on the thick buttered toast. Now, imagine that as a snack. Yes, that’s right! Twisties are ready to flip everyone’s obsession with the latest addition to the family – Twisties Kaya Butter Toast!
Embrace Your Twists With Twisties Kaya Butter Toast

Obviously, as Kaya Butter Toast lovers, we are very curious about the taste. A corn snack with butter & kaya flavour? How can a corn snack taste like toasts that we usually have during breakfast? This is definitely a one-of-a-kind experience. But, believe us when we say we were already drooling over the powerful sweet Kaya scent as we opened the packet.

Judging from the appearance, we already know how crispy the corn snack is. Twisties, never disappoint. The snack is a tad paler compared to the usual Kaboom! BBQ Crunch. But, don’t be deceived by how it looks!

Taking the first bite was phenomenal! Although the buttery flavour is quite intense, the faint hints of Kaya sweetness are just right that we just can’t help going for another bite. In just a few minutes, the packet was wiped clean!

Not only is it locally relevant but this sweet treat is also the first of its kind in the Twisties family. Probably the first in Malaysia’s snack scene as well. A heavenly combination of butter and sweet Kaya flavour – it’s just perfect! Get it now at your nearest convenience and grocery store.
Exclusive Merchandise From Us & Twisties!
As Malaysians, our love and obsession for local cuisine are limitless. Just look at how far we’ve gone with Nasi Lemak – the Nasi Lemak dress on Miss Universe, Nasi Lemak accessories, the unforgettable Nasi Lemak ice cream, Nasi Lemak cake and more. Now, let’s bring our obsession with Kaya Butter Toast to the next level too!

Have you seen their special limited-edition merchandise? They are out of this world! Taking the obsession to the next level, they have created a mouth-watering Kaya Butter Toast Bicycle and a cute Kaya Butter Toast action figure! Now you want them, don’t you? Win them all online! Just visit Twisties Malaysia Instagram or Facebook to find out more.

Wait, there’s more! We will also be giving away an exclusive Kaya Butter Toast bath sponge to 20 winners! Pssst, this bath sponge – you can’t get it elsewhere because it’s specially made for you, Foodies! So if you want to win yourself an adorable Kaya Butter Toast bath sponge, head over to our Instagram page now! Good luck!
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