
This M’sian Woman Is The First To Open A Halal Home Bakery In Chiba, Japan & Now It’s Available In KL


Opening your very own business is no easy feat. Especially at tough times like this where businesses are struggling as well. Many may have resorted to opening home businesses, from selling sausage buns to pizzas. Of course, in Malaysia, foodies are everywhere and it’s easier when there’s demand. But what if you’re in a foreign land, would it be the same?


Malaysian Opens Halal Home-Bakery Selling Signature Malaysian Pastries In Japan

Stumbling upon Halal food in the food haven of Japan is like finding needle in haystack. Of corse, 28-year-old Nadia knew that in the very start by working as a Quality Specialist in Chiba, Japan. A source to destress after work for her has turned into a full blown home bakery catering to those looking for a taste of home in a foreign land.

Photo: (Instagram)
Photo: (Instagram)

Killing two birds with one stone, Nadia set up Kantan back in 2017 and has been operating ever since. Her bakery mainly sells famous Malaysian-inspired pastries, such as Bandung cupcakes, Ondeh-ondeh cookies, Apam Balik cupcakes and so much more. “The reception from Japanese locals is good because they are curious about the taste of out bakes,” said Nadia. “However, most of our customers are from Southeast Asia and few from U.S and Europe.”

Photo: @_natashaanuar (Twitter)
Photo: @_natashaanuar (Twitter)

With no prior experience in professional baking, Nadia went through countless trial and error to create what her customers would come to fall in love with today. Besides, they even opened a booth at the Malaysia Food Festival in 2019, where countless Ministers and local celebrities got a taste of their treats. And no, your eyes did not fool you, that’s indeed the Yang di-Pertuan Agong visiting their booth too! *squeals*

Now You Can Get Kantan In Klang Valley Too!

Photo: (Instagram)

Looking at those glorious pictures and you’re tempted to try it too? Now you can! They’ve just recently launched Kantan in Malaysia too. Selling similar sweet delights, you got to try their signature Pandan Cake with generous serving of homemade Pulut Hitam packed in the middle. Check out their Instagram to find brand new flavours on the daily. It’s a literal dessert heaven over there!

Photo: (Instagram)

A Proud Moment For Malaysians

Even though it’s just a home bakery but we’re proud to see fellow Malaysians striving to bring upon local culture overseas. Although no easy feat, it’s great to see they are striving to cater to a niche market overseas even during the epidemic. If you were working overseas, would you be daring enough to open your own home business too? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Kantan Japan

Link(s): Instagram

Kantan Malaysia

Link(s): Instagram


Status: Halal

Read more: This Farm Cafe In Pahang Serves Fresh Vanilla Ice Cream Made From Self-Plant Vanilla Tree


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